Protect Children and Pets with These Deck Safety Tips

deck safety tips

Children and pets enjoy the deck when it’s nice outdoors. However, decks can be dangerous if not well-maintained and you want your family to be safe. Here are essential deck safety tips so you can minimize risks to your kids and pets.

Deck Safety Tips

Inspect Rails and Rods

If your deck is off the ground, it should be surrounded by a railing. Weaknesses or damages in the railing pose serious risks. If the railing isn’t sturdy, it could give when leaned upon. Inspect for loose or defective railings or rods. Even a slight give in the railing and rods should receive immediate attention. Repair or replace decking components as needed.

Identify Hazardous Items on the Deck

Decks may have tables with sharp edges, gardening tools, grills, pesticides, and potted plants. Children like to explore and may play with tools or plants. Relocate items that are not safe for children and removing tripping hazards. Childproof your deck in the same way that you would your home’s interior. If you need to use dangerous items on your deck, remove them when you’re finished and before children and pets are allowed in the space.

Examine the Decking Planks

Your deck is comprised of wooden planks that are secured to a wood frame. The nails or screws can rust or protrude out of the wood, which becomes a safety issue. Wood may deteriorate when exposed to the elements or because of a pest infestation. Examine each plank at least a few times throughout the year. Address any risks promptly to preserve the integrity of the deck.

Deck Safety Tips for Lighting

When the sun goes down, you and your loved ones can continue to enjoy the deck in the cooler evening hours. A single porch light is often not bright enough and doesn’t fully illuminate the deck. Dark areas impair visibility and may result in tripping and falling. Install bright lights in different locations to light up the entire deck area.

May is National Deck Safety Month. Regardless of your deck’s layout, height, or age, there may be hazards that require your attention. Focus on these deck safety tips to prevent unnecessary injuries to your children and pets.

Prime Home Inspections provides home inspection services to Greater Seattle and Western Washington. Contact us to schedule our services.