(253) 678-8910 P.O. Box 1787 | Yelm, WA 98597

Making Your Own Homemade Cleaning Supplies

homemade cleaning supplies

How to Make Homemade Cleaning Supplies Making your own cleaning supplies is a simple and rewarding way to make your home spotless while being kind to the environment. Many homeowners are turning to homemade solutions to avoid the harsh chemicals in commercial products. This blog will guide you through creating effective, natural cleaning agents using […]

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6 Strategies to Heat Your Home Efficiently

use a programmable thermostat to heat your home efficiently

Heating your home efficiently is essential to save money and conserve energy. With the right combination of techniques, you can keep your home warm all winter long without breaking the bank or making drastic changes to your lifestyle. From installing insulation to using programmable thermostats, there are many simple solutions that can help you stay […]

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6 Annual Roof Maintenance Tips

annual roof maintenance

Roof maintenance is critical to keeping your home in good condition. An annual inspection can help you catch potential problems before they become major, more expensive issues. Follow this annual roof maintenance checklist to help keep your roof in good shape. Annual Roof Maintenance: Check for Shingle Damage Check for missing or broken roofing shingles. […]

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5 Easy Ways to Prevent Chimney Fires

prevent chimney fires

Over 20,000 chimney fires occur in the United States each year, which is significant considering many homes don’t even have fireplaces. It is common for homeowners to forget about fireplace maintenance, which puts safety at risk. Fortunately, it’s not difficult to prevent chimney fires with these five simple tips. Clean the Flue to Prevent Chimney […]

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Fire Safety in the Home

have an extinguisher on hand for fire safety in the home

You’ve invested time and money in your house and want to keep your family safe. Read on for information about fire safety in the home to help reduce the risk of a damaging blaze. Pay Attention to Electrical Safety A common cause of house fires is electrical malfunctions. Be aware of how you use the […]

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Signs of Plumbing Problems in the Home

woman fixing plumbing problems under the sink

Plumbing problems like dripping faucets, leaking toilets, and corroding pipes are troublesome for all homeowners. Seemingly small issues often lead to more extensive damage over time when they’re left unaddressed. Pay attention to signs of plumbing problems in the home and repair them promptly. Signs of a Plumbing Problem Gurgling Sounds If you hear a […]

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Beyond Termites: 4 Common Wood-Destroying Insects

carpenter bee: one of the wood-destroying insects

Wood-Destroying Insects Besides Termites Termites are not the only insects responsible for home and property damage. Homeowners should know about other common wood-destroying insects and learn to identify them, their characteristics, and habits. Contact a wood-destroying insect professional to take control of the problem before they cause cosmetic and structural damage to your property. Carpenter […]

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11 Tools Every Homeowner Should Have

tools every homeowner should have

Maintaining a home includes performing repairs and making updates to your property. With the proper equipment, you won’t need to call a professional for minor tasks. Stock your toolbox with these tools every homeowner should have to be prepared for basic repairs and home improvement projects. 1. Screwdrivers Homeowners will need a few sizes of […]

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Why You Should Have a Home Inspection on New Construction

Home Inspection on New Construction

You may think it’s unnecessary to order a home inspection on a newly constructed home. However, it’s a smart idea to get a home inspection on new construction. Your new home has many components and it’s important to know that the work was completed properly during construction. You can learn more about your investment with […]

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4 Simple Winter Home Improvements to Tackle This Season

winter home improvements

Why Focus on Winter Home Improvements? During these colder months of the year, all efforts to make home improvements might be put on hold. However, there are plenty of projects that will keep you busy while you stay comfortable indoors. Here we have listed some ideas for winter home improvements to up your productivity over […]

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5 Signs of Termites in the Home

signs of termites in the home

Here in the Pacific Northwest, there are two common species of termites: the western subterranean termite and the Pacific dampwood termite. In the United States, it is estimated that termites alone cause 5 billion dollars worth of property damage each year. Unfortunately, termite damage is usually not covered by homeowners insurance. The best way to […]

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5 Tips for a Healthy Summer Garden

summer garden

A summer garden makes for a gorgeous and practical addition to any home. Whether you’re planting colorful flowers, homegrown produce, or a combination of the two, there’s something inherently satisfying about tending a garden. But it takes a lot of work to keep a summer garden thriving. Harsh temperatures, a lack of rain, and destructive […]

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4 Tips for Staging Your Home Affordably

staging your home

Spring is right around the corner, so if you are thinking of putting your house on the market, now is the time to start preparing it for sale, which includes staging your home. When you’re selling your home, how you stage it is key. Unfortunately, hiring a professional staging company may not be within your […]

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Fireplace Safety Basics

fireplace safety

Enjoying the warmth of your fireplace is one of the true pleasures of the cooler months. In order to cozy up in comfort, it’s important to clean your fireplace and take a few precautions. So before lighting that first fire read through our fireplace safety tips!     Fireplace Safety Tips & Maintenance Some fireplaces […]

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