(253) 678-8910 P.O. Box 1787 | Yelm, WA 98597

Understanding Attic Insulation: Types and Benefits

attic insulation

Insulation in your attic is crucial for maintaining a comfortable home and enhancing energy efficiency. Let’s look at the different kinds of attic insulation and their benefits to help you decide which option best suits your home. Types of Attic Insulation When choosing insulation for your attic, you’ll encounter several types, each with unique properties […]

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Making Your Own Homemade Cleaning Supplies

homemade cleaning supplies

How to Make Homemade Cleaning Supplies Making your own cleaning supplies is a simple and rewarding way to make your home spotless while being kind to the environment. Many homeowners are turning to homemade solutions to avoid the harsh chemicals in commercial products. This blog will guide you through creating effective, natural cleaning agents using […]

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4 Signs of Mold Growth in a Home

signs of mold

Mold may appear minor, but if ignored, it can lead to property damage and health issues. Flourishing in damp and poorly ventilated areas, mold can contaminate the air in your living spaces. As a homeowner, it’s important to know the signs of mold and act promptly if discovered. Here are four common indicators of mold […]

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7 Space-Saving Renovations to Maximize Your Living Area

space-saving renovations

The struggle for space is a common challenge when creating a comfortable and functional home. With the right approach and creativity, homeowners can transform their living areas to feel larger, more organized, and, ultimately, more enjoyable. Here are a few ideas for space-saving renovations, offering practical advice to maximize your living space. Maximize Storage with […]

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5 Pet-Friendly Improvements to Enhance Your Home

pet-friendly improvements

As a pet owner, making your home a comfortable and safe haven for your cat or dog is essential. Simple, pet-conscious updates will enhance the living spaces for both you and your pet. Let’s explore five effective pet-friendly improvements you can integrate into your home without compromising style or comfort. Ideas for Pet-Friendly Improvements Flooring […]

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6 Family-Friendly Home Improvement Projects: Enhancing Your Space Together

family-friendly home improvement

Summer break provides an excellent opportunity for families to spend quality time together and tackle exciting home improvement projects. Engaging children in these endeavors fosters a sense of teamwork and instills a sense of pride in the home. There is a range of family-friendly home improvement ideas to enhance your space and create lasting memories […]

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5 Steps to Create a Container Garden

create a container garden

Container gardening is a great way to add greenery and life to your home, especially if you don’t have a garden or yard. It’s a fun and easy way to grow plants, flowers, and herbs without much space. Planting in containers is also an excellent activity for anyone looking to get into gardening. Here are […]

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6 Strategies to Heat Your Home Efficiently

use a programmable thermostat to heat your home efficiently

Heating your home efficiently is essential to save money and conserve energy. With the right combination of techniques, you can keep your home warm all winter long without breaking the bank or making drastic changes to your lifestyle. From installing insulation to using programmable thermostats, there are many simple solutions that can help you stay […]

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6 Ways to Declutter Your Home

declutter your home

Are you tired of living in a cluttered home? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Dealing with unwieldy amounts of stuff can be overwhelming and hard to navigate, but knowing how to declutter your space doesn’t have to be an impossible task. Here are some simple, achievable tips to help declutter your home. Start Small Picking […]

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6 Annual Roof Maintenance Tips

annual roof maintenance

Roof maintenance is critical to keeping your home in good condition. An annual inspection can help you catch potential problems before they become major, more expensive issues. Follow this annual roof maintenance checklist to help keep your roof in good shape. Annual Roof Maintenance: Check for Shingle Damage Check for missing or broken roofing shingles. […]

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5 Tips to Cool Your Home Without AC

cool your home without AC

Summer is here, and with it, longer days and higher temps. Many homeowners notice a significant increase in their utility bills during the warmer. It can feel like a struggle to stay cool without spending a fortune. If you don’t have air conditioning or would like to limit your usage, here are a few easy […]

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5 Weekend DIY Home Improvement Projects

diy home improvement

Does your home have room for improvement? Do you want to complete weekend projects around your house to make it more functional and comfortable? This article will give you some ideas about DIY home improvement projects you can do over a weekend. 1. DIY Home Improvement to Clean up Your Garden Start by cleaning up […]

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5 Tips for Fire Pit Safety

Fire Pit Safety

Fire pits are fun to have in your yard. During the summer, you can gather around and roast s’mores with your friends and family. In the colder months, you can use them to warm up outdoor events. Unfortunately, a fire pit can pose some dangers. To keep yourself, your family, and your friends safe, here […]

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Electrical Safety in the Home

electrical safety in the home

Electricity is necessary for powering appliances, lighting, air conditioning, and security systems. However, the use of electricity also comes with risks. Accidents like shock and electrocution can cause serious injuries and even death. Here are a few tips for electrical safety in the home. Electrical Safety in the Home: Hire a Pro Some homeowners hope […]

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4 Garage Storage Solutions

garage storage

Organizing your garage becomes easier when you implement a few fast and easy garage storage solutions. Clearing the clutter from frequently used paths and setting up storage areas on walls are just some of the ways you can increase your garage’s storage space. Check out these five storage ideas that’ll help you get your garage […]

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Basic Mattress Maintenance and Upkeep

mattress maintenance

Your mattress is one of the most used pieces of furniture in the home. If you get eight hours of sleep each night, you will spend around 3,000 hours on your mattress each year. Most mattresses should last around ten years but to help your mattress stay comfortable, it’s important to take care of it. […]

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9 Tips When Preparing for a Winter Move

preparing for a winter move

Moving to a new home during winter can be a complicated endeavor. There are challenges that come with safely moving your household and family when it’s cold outside. Here are tips to keep in mind as you’re preparing for a winter move. Preparing for a Winter Move Ahead of Time One positive about moving during […]

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5 Easy Ways to Prevent Chimney Fires

prevent chimney fires

Over 20,000 chimney fires occur in the United States each year, which is significant considering many homes don’t even have fireplaces. It is common for homeowners to forget about fireplace maintenance, which puts safety at risk. Fortunately, it’s not difficult to prevent chimney fires with these five simple tips. Clean the Flue to Prevent Chimney […]

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4 Ways to Improve Fall Curb Appeal

fall curb appeal

Each season presents a great opportunity to revisit your curb appeal efforts. Fall brings colder weather, falling leaves, and earlier nightfall. Here are 4 ways to boost your home’s fall curb appeal. Fall Curb Appeal and Your Front Door The front door welcomes people to your home. You don’t need to completely replace it to […]

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Remodel Your Bathroom With These 5 Ideas

remodel your bathroom

Your bathrooms are used every day, so you want them to be functional, attractive, and water-efficient. It is also important that bathroom surfaces are waterproof to prevent mold growth. Here are 5 ways to remodel your bathroom that will transform the space. Replace the Vanity to Remodel Your Bathroom The bathroom vanity is the cabinet […]

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Fire Safety in the Home

have an extinguisher on hand for fire safety in the home

You’ve invested time and money in your house and want to keep your family safe. Read on for information about fire safety in the home to help reduce the risk of a damaging blaze. Pay Attention to Electrical Safety A common cause of house fires is electrical malfunctions. Be aware of how you use the […]

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Babyproof Your Home These 5 Ways

Are you preparing to become a parent? Before you welcome your new family member, babyproof your home. Once you are taking care of a newborn baby, you probably won’t have the time to make modifications to your home. Keep your child safe during all stages by taking these babyproofing steps. Eliminate Cords on Blinds Long […]

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6 Safety Tips for Holiday Decorating

safety tips for holiday decorating

The holidays are a time for fun, family, and celebration. While enjoying the festivities this holiday season, you should also be cautious and safe. There some hazards around the house during the holidays, including some of your decorations. Keep reading to learn about 6 safety tips for holiday decorating. Tip 1: Don’t Put Your Tree […]

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Signs of Plumbing Problems in the Home

woman fixing plumbing problems under the sink

Plumbing problems like dripping faucets, leaking toilets, and corroding pipes are troublesome for all homeowners. Seemingly small issues often lead to more extensive damage over time when they’re left unaddressed. Pay attention to signs of plumbing problems in the home and repair them promptly. Signs of a Plumbing Problem Gurgling Sounds If you hear a […]

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Beyond Termites: 4 Common Wood-Destroying Insects

carpenter bee: one of the wood-destroying insects

Wood-Destroying Insects Besides Termites Termites are not the only insects responsible for home and property damage. Homeowners should know about other common wood-destroying insects and learn to identify them, their characteristics, and habits. Contact a wood-destroying insect professional to take control of the problem before they cause cosmetic and structural damage to your property. Carpenter […]

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11 Tools Every Homeowner Should Have

tools every homeowner should have

Maintaining a home includes performing repairs and making updates to your property. With the proper equipment, you won’t need to call a professional for minor tasks. Stock your toolbox with these tools every homeowner should have to be prepared for basic repairs and home improvement projects. 1. Screwdrivers Homeowners will need a few sizes of […]

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Why You Should Have a Home Inspection on New Construction

Home Inspection on New Construction

You may think it’s unnecessary to order a home inspection on a newly constructed home. However, it’s a smart idea to get a home inspection on new construction. Your new home has many components and it’s important to know that the work was completed properly during construction. You can learn more about your investment with […]

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4 Simple Winter Home Improvements to Tackle This Season

winter home improvements

Why Focus on Winter Home Improvements? During these colder months of the year, all efforts to make home improvements might be put on hold. However, there are plenty of projects that will keep you busy while you stay comfortable indoors. Here we have listed some ideas for winter home improvements to up your productivity over […]

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5 Signs of Termites in the Home

signs of termites in the home

Here in the Pacific Northwest, there are two common species of termites: the western subterranean termite and the Pacific dampwood termite. In the United States, it is estimated that termites alone cause 5 billion dollars worth of property damage each year. Unfortunately, termite damage is usually not covered by homeowners insurance. The best way to […]

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